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- * This is the part of the BANKIT code that should be assembled into every
- * used Eprom bank. The main part of BANKIT is placed into the RAM bank 0
- * during the powerup routine. For safety, maybe we should think about placing
- * it there during every DSR call?
- *
- * This routine will bank in the requested eprom bank and branch to the routine
- * specified. For convenience, all routines will have the bank and offset
- * equated to a label.
- *
- * calling format 1:
- *
- * DATA <bank# & offset> as equated
- *
- * control will be returned to the bank that called the routine, directly
- * following the DATA statement.
- *
- * for the sub to return control to the caller, all it has to do is to B or BL
- * to address BNKRT. The sub must make sure that RAM 0 is mapped in.
- *
- * calling format 2:
- *
- * DATA <bank# & offset>
- *
- * Functions the same as bankit, but will map in ram bank 0 for you.
- * There is also a return that will bank in ram 0 for you: BLRET. All bankit
- * routines may be used interchangably. You may call your return with the
- * BLWP @BANKIT and use the B (or BL) @BLRET to return to the calling
- * routine. Or whatever. The only difference is if you want the bankit routines
- * to map in ram bank 0 or not. There is less overhead (read: it's faster) if
- * you don't use the BL calls to bankit.
- *
- *
- * By Brad Snyder for the WHT SCSI Adaptor. 12-23-94.
- * Updated 12-28-94 bls
- * debug 1/3/94 bls - had blwp vectors reversed.
- * updated 01-06-95 - addresses changed
- * updated 01-17-95 - moved stack handler to rom
- * updated 02-05-95 - added BL call to bankit
- * updated 02-16-95 - added equates for dsrrt routine
- * updated 03-29-95 - added direct access to bank routine called XFER
- * Addresses used in bank 0 of SCSI ram
- AINIT EQU >5C58 init string
- ALWS EQU >5C5C WS for allocate and de-allocate
- *PATH EQU >5C7C path buffer (Now in bank 2)
- DSRRT EQU >5CA4 routine in ram to return from dsr
- PABADR EQU >5CC0 2 byte pab pointer
- PABBUF EQU >5CC2 10 byte pab buffer
- TMPWS EQU >5CCC 32 bytes for saving WS registers
- STACK EQU >5CF6 pointer to bankit stack
- SAVDEV EQU >5DFB last device # (scsi id) accessed
- SAVSEC EQU >5DFC sector number last accessed (2 words)
- SECBUF EQU >5E00 512 byte last sector read
- STINIT EQU >5CF8 stack init value
- STK EQU >5CF6 stack pointer
- * Bankit routines for ROM
- BANKIT DATA BANKWS,BNKIT1 Using WS in RAM bank 0. RAM bank 0 must be
- * mapped in before calling this routine!
- ZERO DATA 0 general purpose zero
- * BL call to bankit. R12 must hold the CRU base of the SCSI card in the
- * MSbyte. Bank 0 of the ram will be mapped in and left mapped in, even on
- * return to the caller.
- * Registers dest.: R12
- AI R12,12*2 point to ram mapper
- LDCR @ZERO,4 map in bank zero
- MOV R11,@BANKWS+28 save return address for rtwp return
- STWP R11
- MOV R11,@BANKWS+26 store current WP
- STST R11
- MOV R11,@BANKWS+30 store status
- LWPI BANKWS use bankws
- * This code used by both versions of bankit
- BNKIT1 MOV @STACK,R9 get stack pointer
- MOV @BANKN,*R9+ save calling eprom bank on stack
- MOV *R14+,R1 move called routine bank and offset to RO
- MOV R13,*R9+ save return WS
- MOV R14,*R9+ save return address
- MOV R15,*R9+ save status
- MOV R9,@STACK save stack pointer
- B @>5DD6 branch to banking code already in RAM
- * BL return to caller routine
- * R12 must contain the CRU base of the SCSI card
- AI R12,12*2
- LDCR @ZERO,4 map bank 0 ram back in
- * Code used by both versions of the return to caller routine
- MOV @STACK,R9 get stack pointer
- AI R9,-8 point back to old stuph
- MOV R9,@STACK save pointer
- MOV *R9+,R10 get bank to return to
- MOV *R9+,R13 get WS
- MOV *R9+,R14 get ret. addr.
- MOV *R9+,R15 get status
- B @>5DEC branch to code in ram